Meet Wies 

Wies and I gave a number of workshops together in Vught.  To get an impression of what its like to attend a workshop, read the first hand account by Nikki van der Velden.

Before she met me Wies had also attended a Wim Hof workshop with the man himself and had plunged into the ice bath, however she left it at that and had never adopted it as a regular routine. Until she met me that is. Now a regular cold water dipper, Wies explains what the cold means to her.

"Every time I have dipped I feel more energised and happier. Sometimes I don't feel like going but after every dip I go home feeling happier. I feel more focus, more energy and strength. I really recommend it for everyone!"

Last year Wies also assisted me and my groups in cold water swimming in 's-Hertogenbosch - Zuiderplas. To join this years group of oudoor dippers, click here.

Wies is also a breath-work coach and I am impressed by the way that Wies is able to reach so many people with her in-company breath-work sessions. 

Wat heeft koud dippen mij gebracht:

"Elke keer wanneer ik gedipt heb voel ik me energieker en gelukkiger. Soms heb ik geen zin om te gaan maar elke keer ga ik blij naar huis. Ik voel meer focus, meer energie en kracht. Een aanrader voor iedereen."

Groeten Wies  
