Wim Hof Method Running Clinic with Sharon and David

Dates to be released soon - Would you like to join the waiting list?  Sign up via the contact form here on the right!

It's becoming widely accepted that the Wim Hof Method, when practiced regularly, can be used as a tool to improve your running endurance and performance. Join Sharon and David for an in-depth workshop introducing the Wim Hof Method, emphasizing improving your running performance. David has used these techniques to set personal records in the 10k and half-marathon in his 50s. Many runners neglect this critical aspect of running, but breathing is our running motor, and a tune-up can help you achieve your running goals more effectively and efficiently.

About the Instructors:
Sharon McLaughlin is a Level 2 Wim Hof Method Instructor, as well as a lifestyle coach, and has practiced the Wim Hof Method for 6 years, and became a certified instructor in 2018. She is a former half marathon runner and accomplished mountain hiker, including reaching the summits of both Toubkal and Kilimanjaro. Through her company, The Cold Therapy Community, she offers monthly Wim Hof Method Workshops and 1on1 breathwork and coaching.

David Grover is a Level 1 Wim Hof Method Instructor, and ex-US Air Force Survival Instructor, where he first learned to push his body and mind to the limit. He's been practicing the Wim Hof Method for 3 years, and became a certified instructor in March 2023 to inspire others to achieve the best out of themselves. He offers Wim Hof Method workshops through his company, Falcon Inspire.
The workshop will include a 5-kilometer run at an easy pace to practice breathing techniques used by long-distance runners to optimize their performance, both during training and on race day. The run is optional. Participants can also opt to go on a nature hike (and perhaps a bare foot walk) with Sharon, and many of the techniques can also be performed when walking.

Some topics and techniques covered include:
- Using Wim Hof Method breathing to release adrenaline and glucose
- diaphragmatic breathing
- building carbon dioxide tolerance
- postponing the point of lactic acidification (lactate threshold)
- BOLT score

On training runs:
- nose versus mouth breathing
- pursed lips breathing
- high altitude simulation

and most importantly, on race day:
- power breathing
- over-breathing using rhythmic breathing

The workshop will take place at the beautiful Jagershuis on Landgoed Bleijendijk in Vught. The schedule for the day is as follows:
1100 - 1200: Wim Hof Method theory and target breathing
1200 - 1300: Wim Hof Method applied to endurance training
1300 - 1330: Wim Hof Method breathing
1330 - 1430: Applying breathing techniques during a run or hike
1430 - 1500: Lunch
1500 - 1530: Wim Hof Method cold exposure theory and preparation
1530 - 1630: Ice Bath (optional)
1630 - 1700: Wrap-Up

What to bring:
- comfortable clothes for indoor breathing exercises.
- bathing suit
- towel
- slippers
For the run/hike:
- your preferred outfit and shoes
- or t-shirt and shorts for those that want even more cold exposure!

Early Bird (before [date]): €145
Just in Time (before [date]): €155
Late Bloomer: €165
Sharon and David hope to see you in December!

